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-Are you Honey flow/ Australian flow hives?
-No, we are a Mexican company with register and industrial models in Mexico suede the Mexican Institute of industrial property
-Are they the same as Australian flow hive / beehives?
-No, thanks to the fact that we corrected all the MISTAKES or "opportunity areas" of the previous model, it was how we could obtain this new registration, we can say for sure thia design is much better and way cheaper ...(at the bottom of the page we include a comparative image)
-Can bees get out of the hive?
-Of course, it is extremely important that the bees can go out and enter the hive to pollinate and collect food.
-What is the cost of the hive?
-The cost per SET is $ 8,499 pesos MXN, or USD $ 400.
-Does it include bees?
-Where do I get the bees?
-We recommend contacting a local certified beekeeper so that he can buy his breeding stock. All of Mexico is conducive to beekeeping so it is not difficult to get bees.
-What will I receive for a complete set?
-The Set includes: base, brood chamber, runner, queen excluder, storage system with 7 plastic racks, 7 extraction tubes, 7 top plugs, 7 bottom plugs, monitoring windows, lids, insect screen, roof and extraction key.
(We will also include 2 manuals: use, assembly and recommendations manual and general beekeeping manual)
-Do I need additional equipment to operate?
-To harvest honey, NO, but we recommend acquiring protective equipment for safety.
-Do I have to buy additional equipment?
-We always recommend using protective equipment to avoid accidents.
-Can I buy only the rack system?
-YES, You can purchase the 7-piece plastic frame set.
-Do the bees arrive alone? or How do I get the bees to arrive?
-The bees DO NOT arrive alone, you have to go through a nucleus or hive that we recommend acquiring from a certified local hatchery.
How much honey do they produce and in how long?
-Honey production depends up to 90% on the conditions of the environment and the population of the hive; even so, the production varies from one hive to another still in the same apiary.
-How much honey fits in the hive?
-The HONEY EXPRESS flow hive has 7 plastic Frames with the capacity to store up to 3kg per rack, which we recommend to be harvested once they are capped, you can do this 1, 2, 3 up to 4 times during a bloom (reread answer previous)
-What does capped mean?
-It means that the frame is completely sealed with a thin layer of wax, this means that it lost enough moisture and the bees sealed the cells to protect the honey
-Can I harvest Honey or only nectar?
-We recommend that you harvest the honey until the rack is 90-95% capped so that you do not harvest a young honey with high humidity, this will prevent you from harvesting nectar and it can ferment.
-The honey from my region is very thick. Can I extract it?
-We have harvested very dense and thick honey from the central region of Mexico, Honey from MEZQUITE,
WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM, honey with low humidity and a high density, you will have no problem.
-What kind of maintenance does the system need?
-Like a normal house, the more you take care of it, the more it will last, really the outer drawer (wood) is what needs sporadic maintenance, it has a wax and paraffin treatment, but we recommend giving maintenance with wax, paraffin, linseed oil or paint water-based 1 or 2 times a year, the plastic frames do not need maintenance once installed.
-What is the useful life of the system?
-We estimate the life of the wooden crate in at least 20 years with regular maintenance
if the plastic system does not have direct radiation from the sun, it has a useful life of more than 100 years.
-Do bees reject plastic?
-The plastic racks are made of food-grade BPA free plastic, with the slope and measurements as in nature, they are 100% accepted, you can see our gallery to corroborate it. (To speed up the honey storage process, you can help them by coating the plastic racks with a light layer of wax)
-Do the bees propolis the racks?
-Bees tend to propolize spaces that filter humidity or allow air currents to enter, in some cases invasive insects or animals, they do not have to propolize the plastic frame system.
-I don't know anything about beekeeping, do I need previous knowledge?
-As everything it is recommended to have previous knowledge, however it is a very noble job
In which you can learn day by day, to facilitate learning you can request a general beekeeping manual.
-Can I have bees on my roof?
-You can, however, we recommend having your hives in wild or semi-urban places, with a source of blooms and water within reach.
-Can I have bees with pets and small children?
-You can, however we recommend taking precautions, you can be dealing with more than 40,000 bees in a single hive.
-Is the system harmful or does it kill bees?
-There is no BETTER system on the market that supports the conservation of bees, it is a passive system, which minimizes the Beekeeper-Bee interaction, by not stressing and killing them, increasing the population of bees and at the same time increasing the production of honey.
-Does it serve with meliponas bees?
-No, meliponas bees use a different honey storage system.
-What type of bee should I buy?
-Apis mellifera
Apis mellifera carnica.
Apis mellifera cecropia.
Apis mellifera ligustica.
Apis mellifera macedonica.
Apis mellifera sicula.
- Should we feed them?
-The bees will look for their own food, we recommend locating the hive near a source of flowering and water, in dry and arid times you can support planting flowers, put water sources and if necessary support them with apicultural cakes (mixture of vitamins, flours, amino acids) you can ask your local beekeeper where to buy them.
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